Barrister Profile


Year of Call: 1977

KC: 2006

Main Areas of Practice

Commercial Law
Personal Injury
Professional Negligence


Established in practice for over thirty five years, Stephen has developed extensive experience in high value personal injury cases, with a particular specialism in brain damage cases, and health and safety law, both civil and criminal. His extensive knowledge of Ogden tables and personal injury multipliers as they relate to disability has led to his instruction in complex medical negligence actions.

Stephen has appeared in many notable coroners inquests, specifically in relation to clinical negligence with key specialist knowledge of obstetrics and transplant surgery. For two years, Stephen served a Senior Counsel for two families involved in the Inquiry into Hyponatremia-Related Deaths.

In his most recent term of office as a member of the Bar Council, Stephen led on the development of the Bar Fees Collection system and is the current serving trustee of the Bar Benevolent Society, assisting members who require financial assistance due to changed life circumstances.


1977 Graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast & Callto the Bar

2006 Called as Queen’s Counsel

Member, Bar Council 2008-2016

Member, Executive Council 2014-2016

Legal Aid Appeal Panel, Formerly Legal Services Commission

Chairman, Personal Injury Bar Association 2009-2011

President, Bar Angler’s Association 2005 – Present

Trustee, Bar Benevolent Society

Former Governor, Rathmore Primary School, Bangor

Trustee, Rathgale Gymnastics & Trampolining Club

Past Chairman and Current President, Donaghadee Rugby Football Club